RuBP-regeneration parameter response to heat, water stress and light
Nicolas Bambach, myself and Kyaw Tha Paw U created a dynamic model of damage to photosynthesis that serves as an ‘add-on’ to the Farquhar-von Caemmerer-Berry model. The model allows RuBP-regeneration limitation parameters to be damaged in response to extremes in leaf temperature, stomatal closure and limitations to photosynthesis and irradiance. Awesome!
The publication is:
Bambach, Nicolas, and Matthew E. Gilbert. (2020). A dynamic model of RuBP-regeneration limited photosynthesis accounting for photoinhibition, heat and water stress. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 285: 107911.
This led to inclusion in an actual land surface model:
Bambach, N. E., Gilbert, ME. Paw U, KT. (2022). Introducing a dynamic photosynthetic model of photoinhibition, heat, and water stress in the next-generation land surface model ACASA. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 312(15): 108702.